Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blue Dragon: Disc 1 is complete

Since Blue Dragon is a three disc game it's somewhat bigger and larger than Eternal Sonata. But after around 15 hours of gameplay I'm now on disc 2. The game has eveloped into a really exciting game now, exactly as Eternal Sonata switched from childish to compelling.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Next upcoming game

After I have completed Blue Dragon I will play Army of Two together with my brother. The game will feature great graphics and entertaining game play aswell as a Cooperative game-mode throughout the game.

Blue Dragon on the way

After completing Eternal Sonata (See previous posts) i found myself missing a key part in my life. Role Playing Games have a tendency to give you a good story, great characters and other good things. So when I decided what game I had to play after Eternal Sonata i fell for Blue Dragon. I had tested the demo before but did not find it that good. But i bought the game anyway. Now I love it. The screen down here is not from my game (Haven't taken any pictures yet). Stay tuned for more updates in my Blue Dragon career.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My gaming home

Just wanted to show a picture of my living room. A HD-Ready 50" Plasma Television from Samsung, Playstation 3 to the left, Nintendo Wii in the middle and the Xbox 360 to the right.

Eternal Sonata complete

So, finally completed Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360). Did it earlier than i thought actually, guess I was closer to the final than i first suspected.

Anyhow. The game itself is a classic japanese RPG. At start, it looks kinda childish and sweet, but later on the game evelop into a amazingly good looking and fun RPG. The battle-system is really fun and entertaining as it gives you alot of different options. The battle-system works on Party Level, wich increases the further you get in the game. At first, it's quite basic and easy, but when you reach Party Level 5 it get's more intense and leaves no room for mistakes.

I would give the game a Seppuko score of 9/10 for great entertainment and a good history.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eternal Sonata on the roll

Since completing Mass Effect (Xbox 360) and Uncharted Drake's Fortune (PS3) during christmas i was aiming for another great game. After some reading i decided for the japanese traditional RPG called Eternal Sonata. The game has scored quite high grades mags all over the world so why shouldn't i give it a go.

Right as we speak i'm on chapter 6, with an effective game time on almost 18 hours (don't know if that's good or bad at this rate). Hopefully I will have the game complete within the next couple of days, lot's of work to do this upcoming week, wich means less game time for me.

A briefing for you

I'm on a "completing-games" streak now. So far I have completed several games in a row, naming a few would be Doom 3, Half-Life 2 (+ Episode 1 and Episode2), Portal, Crysis, Call of Duty 4, Super Mario Galaxy, The Darkness, Uncharted Drake's Fortune and many more.

I own two computers, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii (Not naming the previous consoles). I play World of Warcraft on a daily basis (As a Tauren Warrior at protection specc, also guild leader for our in real life guild called Banana Republic on skullcrusher EU).